Peer Review Process


  • All texts that enter the Euangelion Journal and are suitable for publication will go through a review process.
  • Review of each text received is done by double-blind peer-review. In this process, the writer and reviewer do not know each other's identity. The author does not know who is conducting a review of his writing. Likewise the reviewer does not know whose writing is being reviewed.
  • The editor ensures that the reviewer works well and reviews the text according to his scientific field.
  • Decision whether an article is published or not is in the hands of the editor by observing and studying the input from reviewers and scientific considerations.
  • Articles written by Jurnal Euangelion reviewers remain through the process as other authors. The editor ensures that the reviewers' texts are not reviewed by themselves.
  • Team Editor and Managing Editor are allowed to review the paper as long as the paper is aligned with their area of ​​expertise.
  • All reviewers in the Jurnal Euangelion must have published articles in other journals and have indexing accounts such as Google Scholar, SINTA and are strongly recommended to have a Scopus ID.
  • Writing rejected returned to the author. Posts received with repairs or revisions by resubmitting, will be returned to the authors for correction. The author is given enough time to improve his writing and upload it according to the procedure.
  • Editor has the right to decide whether a text has the right to be forwarded in the peer review process or not